Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How to reduce the chances of prostate cancer coming back

Suppose you are suffering from prostate cancer, the first thing that would you be on the back of your mind is how to reduce it of coming back. Yes a host of things can be undertaken of it coming back. Nutritional supplements, a particular type of diet and regular exercise are some of the tips that need to be undertaken at this point of time. These are some things that you could do which could prove out to be helpful, but more amount of research is needed on the same.

There are no short cuts as far as regular physical activity evolves

Research does point to the fact that people who exercise regularly after prostate cancer treatment in India are more likely to survive. This is in comparison to individuals who do not exercise. Till date no clear benchmark has been set forth on the amount of exercise that is needed, but the more better it works out. At the same time more intensive workouts would prove to be beneficial as well. Though at the same time you would need further follow up on these studies as well.

prostate cancer

Looking at options in order to have and maintain a healthy weight

There are several studies that do point to the fact that you tend to be obese once a prostate cancer treatment is over. But there are no evidence that if you lose weight it does go on to increase the risk or not. Once again you would need more research on this topic

Cut down on smoking

There has been some research that men who smoke have higher chances of prostate cancer coming back. In some cases it could lead to death as well.  There is going to be more research needed to figure out whether if you quit smoking it could lower down the risks. At the same time if you quit there are a number of health effects that could emerge as well.

Dietary and nutritional supplements

There are some suggestions that if your diet is rich in terms of vegetables and low in body fats it could be helpful, but at the same time you might need more research on the same. At the same time if the diet is healthy it could lead to positive impacts on your health. The benefits do outnumber the risks in a considerable way.

Till date there has been no evidence that dietary supplements have gone on to reduce the recurrence of prostate cancer. But on the basis of facts certain supplements like selenium could go on to increase the risk at a considerable level. At the same time in no way it is going to prove that it will help, but none of them have proven to do till this point of time.

There are some restrictions on dietary supplements and most of them do not claim what they state. It is better that you discuss with your doctor if you are planning to have one.


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