Tuesday, November 27, 2018

An essential guide about pliers

Pliers present it in various sizes along with shapes. It can be used for gripping a rod or a pipe, others are put to use for twisting wires. Sometimes there are put to use for a combination of various tasks including cutting wires. When you buy pliers ensure that you choose the correct device for your needs.

The various types of pliers

Long nose pliers

* You can hold wires, reach out to awkward places and at the same time grip small objects
* Any work should involve smaller gauge area.

Side cutting pliers
* Used for various applications that includes communication, electrical and communication work
* Can be put to use to cut or splice wires and strip insulation

Flat pliers
* Common type of pliers that is used for assembly work and many applications

Tips to be aware before you use pliers

A professional is aware of all the protocols related to the use of pliers but a review of the below points would help you considerably.

Do not use pliers to undertake job of another tool

You should not use pliers as a wrench, hammer or pry tool. Instead of proper tools if you use pliers it damages the work, yourself and valuable time is lost.

Do not push the pliers beyond the desired capacity

If you bend stiff wires with light pliers it will make them bend or it can break. Rely on a strong bent plier. In case if you need a plier with a greater leverage do use one. Undertake pliers online shopping as there are plenty of options for the same. In using bolts opt for a bolt
cutter and a cable cutter for a large cable.

Do not cut any metals or wire without proper protection of your eyes
If the wire does not get you it will get someone else. Do think about the other guy as well as yourself. Do make it a point that you wear face mask or protective glass. At the same time you should not cut any wire or metal till your fellow workers are protected.

Do not expose pliers to excessive amount of heat

If on the metal direct flame could ruin the tool.  To direct heat cutting pliers are especially vulnerable

Do not depend upon plastic dipped handles to provide relief from electricity

The plastic induced handles are only better from the comfort point of view. Not only are they devised to provide relief from electric shock.

Keep away from using pliers on live electric circuits. Do use insulated tools that have the official certifications.

The pliers need to be used only if they are in prime condition

You may have to oil the pliers on a regular basis. A single drop of oil on the hinge makes their operation smooth.

Pulling on the pliers

When you are applying pressure do pull on the pliers. In doing so if the balance fails you may end up damaging your hand and chances of injury are on the higher side.

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