Thursday, February 14, 2019

How has technology changed over the time in water filters?

Filtering water has always been done from ancient times or even much earlier. The demand of clear and fresh water has always been there. The perception of clean and transparent water has been in our minds because of the quality of water from rivers. Anything less than or not equivalent to the river water was considered dirty without going deeper about the microorganisms present in it or not. The criteria in those times were that water should be clear because they knew that there isn’t anything that could pollute the water unlike today. Nowadays we have a whole lot change in the scenario, with the use of high amounts of chemicals and the waste product being thrown in rivers, the filtration has become a task. But, how much has the technology changed over the years as far as the water purifiers are concerned?

A lot has changed over the years and the concept of filters has totally reinvented itself. In those times when there were no filters and there were no signs of heavy pollution, the water was collected in containers and was allowed to settle down. This would settle the heavy particles present in the water to settle down under the gravity and would get collected at the bottom of the container, leaving the upper portion of the container filled with clean drinking water. But, slowly as the man progressed, so did the pollution level and the need of something different was felt. Then the water was filtered using a cotton cloth. Water would be poured into another container, keeping a cotton cloth as a filter; because of this heavy particles got trapped in it allowing the clean water to pass through. Again, this wasn’t enough as the time passed; people started boiling the water, which would kill the germs and later cooling and using it for drinking. This was possibly the best method, but it involved a lot of time consumption. Soon the filter candles came into existence, the water would pass through the cancelled placed upside down in a container on the upper side, giving cleaner water underneath.

Other processes involved reverse osmosis, UV and UF filtration. The reverse osmosis process is the widely used technology where the water is made to pass through a membrane with the reverse osmosis process. In UV filtration, a UV source is provided and water is made to pass through the UV light. After coming in contact with the UV rays, it kills the bacteria leaving clean water forward. Ultra filtration is similar to reverse osmosis, the difference being, in UF the pressure applied is higher and it filters the water based on the absorption amount and the diffusion rate.

Water purifiers were confined to only houses, but now the 1000 litre per hour RO plant are being installed and setup to provide a clean and fresh drinking water to a higher number of people at a time. The plant working is similar to the ones installed in our house; they are being larger in size. The RO water purifier 1000 lph price varies with the specifications and brands, also depending upon the services provided.

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